Some Lovely Things Lovely People Have Said About Us
“As a healthcare professional who works in a stressful environment at times, I was experiencing difficulties coming home and switching off. The relaxation sessions helped me to refocus and clear my mind of any negative thoughts. Gareth and Enfys are professional and informative in their approach to treatment and practice.” (Elaine, Cardiff)
“I can highly recommend Gareth and Enfys’s skills as a Medical Hypnotherapy Practitioners. My time with them has helped me to feel more relaxed and focused…enjoyable too! I am seeing things in my life differently and dealing with them in a much more relaxed and calm way!” (Jay, Penarth)
Click here to see a transcript of Joanna’s video testimonial.
Click here to see a transcript of Zara’s video testimonial.
Other Testimonials
“In just four sessions with Gareth, I have moved up The Happiness Scale from a 4/10 to a 7/10…it could’ve been more, but I missed a session and I’m in a lot of pain with a physical ailment as well. I’m very hopeful to move up further and confident I can consolidate this gain. I’m now doing some voluntary work which is a result of understanding the importance of focusing on solutions. I’m actively engaging with life with Positive Thoughts, Positive Actions and Positive Interactions and noticing the “Happy Reward Chemicals” (Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphins and Oxytocin) and my friends and family have noticed the difference. But most importantly, I have too!” (Greg, Barry)
“I have found the hypnotherapy treatment to be incredibly settling for the mind and body. It allows one to reconnect with oneself and get a clearer idea of where you wish to focus your energies. It has reminded me of the importance of staying positive in a sometimes negative world. Gareth is genuinely concerned with the welfare of his clients.” (David, Penarth)
“As an actor and musician, I usually embrace the stresses, anxieties and pre-show nerves of the job but sometimes they overflow. When Gareth explained how the brain works and how we can fill our stress bucket, causing our primitive brain to take over and run away with things, I now have a coping mechanism. Now, once I recognise that I am stressed, I simply turn the dial back to my intellectual brain and I find myself calm, relaxed and confident. I love the positive language used and really live the affirmations while in Hypnosis and while playing the CD. Gareth’s voice is soothing and nurturing, with an air of authoritative care!” (Simon, Cardiff)
“We are over the moon, I could not wait to tell you last week that I am pregnant. After four years of trying, after countless appointments with consultants, after trying all the quack remedies I could find on the internet…finally I’m pregnant and we wish we had found you sooner, Gareth! Over the 8 weeks my whole family and all my friends saw me gradually but significantly becoming calmer and more relaxed about everything in life. How I’d react to any given situation was became so much less stressful…and…just as I finally knew I had re-found my true self…the person you asked me to describe in the Initial Consultation…just as I felt I was her again…I knew…I knew deep down inside…and Andy could see my excitement as I went to get the pregnancy test from the chemist and even he too was convinced as I went into the bathroom…and oh boy the joy as I came out with the positive result!!! We did another to be sure and went straight to the doctors that week…we’ve now had the second scan so I’m happy to write this testimonial and to tell you we are having a baby boy!!! Thank you, Gareth!!! I was going to write you a testimonial anyway to say how much happier, calm and relaxed I am and how much healthier this has helped me be…but blessed be…a baby boy!!! R.E.S.U.L.T.” (Sandra, Cogan)
“Yes – Clinical Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation with Gareth does just that…it stops you smoking! I never believed it could be so easy…I’ve been smoking for more than 30 years now, and I’ve tried six times before! I’ve tried the patches, and the gum and I never liked those nasty e-cigs anyway…but two hours spent with Gareth explained so clearly what goes on in the brain and why we trick ourselves that we ‘want’ to smoke and, most importantly, what we can do with the brain to reframe that 90% psychological habit and overcome the 10% physical addiction and bingo. The Hypnotherapy side was so relaxing, so powerful – I walked out a non smoker for life! My hair and my clothes smell nicer, my eyes are clearer and my skin has more colour. What are you waiting for?” (Angie, Penarth)
“I used to have anxiety and panic attacks in public, especially in crowds, but after just a few sessions with Gareth, I’ve been a lot calmer in these circumstances. I even went to the Goodwood Festival of Speed last week, and the crowds were massive! Previously, such an event would have been so daunting and would have seemed chaotic, but I loved it! Walking around the huge site, looking at the stalls and talking to strangers, I was calm and relaxed and confident, just like Gareth’s sessions and CD encourages me to be! My girlfriend has noticed such a difference – thank you!” (Andrew, Barry)
“I can’t believe it! I went to Cardiff last week! I know it sounds silly as it does to me too, but the thought of going into town, on the train, and going shopping for clothes would have brought me out into full blown panic attacks in the past! Just the thought would have done me in, let alone the actual doing of it and it’s all down to Hypnotherapy and Relaxation with Gareth that I could not just contemplate it, but do it! OK, so I started the day with some trepidations but as soon as I started going, I knew I’d be OK. Normally, I’d have had to buy those clothes and household things online but it was so nice to go into the shops and try them on and get them there and then, and to get a present for my daughter without having to wait to give it to her! Yes, I’d definitely recommend Clinical Hypnotherapy with Gareth to anyone!” (Annie, Penarth)
“I came to see Gareth for general relaxation but soon identified that my anxieties were causing me to be more angry than I wanted to be with my family and at work! My anger was bad for my health and for those around me. I now have seen through this. I have a much more relaxed and calm attitude to when things might not go the way I want them to, and I react in a more positive and constructive way!” (Gerry, Penarth)
“Within five weeks, I had lost more than twenty pounds, and because this solutions-oriented approach concentrates on a positive reassessment of my relationship with myself and with food, I know that this time the weight will stay off. I’m cycling to work and also for leisure. I feel sharper in every way, and I am more focused in my approach to my sometimes stressful work. I came for weight loss and am generally sleeping better – I am much happier!” (John, Cardiff)
“OK so I’m overweight still, but I’ve only been coming a few weeks and I’ve lost more than a stone. More important than that is that today I went swimming for the first time in more than a decade! I didn’t used to fit my costume for being too big…now it’s the costume that’s too big! Best of all, I was more interested in swimming, albeit just paddling around for gentle exercise than I was about what people thought of me. I thoroughly recommend Clinical Hypnotherapy for Weight Management as it has put the whole issue of healthy eating in perspective rather than creating stress over calorie intake. I love food, and I love cooking and I now love myself! Thankyou!” (Brenda, Barry)
“I was stuck in grief! Having lost my mother last year, I had to take time off work and stopped going out with friends. Hypnotherapy sessions with Gareth have helped me re-focus and find my feet again. I’m back in work part time, and have revitalised my social life. I’ve started doing things I enjoy and I can hear my mother telling me she’s proud of me!” (Alison, Penarth)
“It’s not just for the nine months since I lost my husband that I haven’t slept properly…it’s been since I first left home and went to college that I’ve had problems sleeping. But since being so deep in grief, I’ve not been able to sleep at all, and would at least try to calm myself each night with a couple of paracetamol and a glass of warm milk…but not needed any more…I simply can’t believe it…after just one session with Gareth and listening to his Relaxation Solutions CD every night, I’ve slept properly FOR THE FIST TIME IN THIRTY YEARS, and I wake up each morning with a far more positive view of things. I’m still sad for my loss, of course, but I can see things in perspective for the first time since and it’s not just the sleep that helps…it’s the knowing that I’ll be able to sleep. I can be mindful and respectful for the love that I had, still have and always will have for my husband but I am moving forward positively as, of course, he would wish for me too” (Kate, Cardiff)
“I have suffered severe and excruciating migraines for two years now, and I’ve not really had a decent full night’s sleep in all that time. After the first session with Gareth, I slept for a whole night free of pain and this was a both a pleasant surprise and a revelation. After the second session, I slept soundly for three nights. After the third session, I realised that I needed to be listening to the CD as well as attending the Hypnotherapy sessions and now I can go for a week or more sleeping so well I go through the days without headaches. For years I so wanted something help, I was desperate, but nothing the doctors or specialists offered worked. I found the relief I was seeking in Clinical Hypnotherapy at The Penarth Practice!” (Claire, Penarth)
“Solutions Focused Hypnotherapy with Gareth has helped me to formulate a study and revision plan and to prepare for the forthcoming exams. I am entering this normally stressful part of the year with much less anxiety and much more confidence. I am fully focused and am hoping for the best possible marks! These sessions have helped enormously, but I know it is clearly now down to me – I am happy knowing that the future is in my hands!” (Julian, Cardiff)
“I’ve smoked cannabis every day for thirty six years…until one session of Clinical Hypnotherapy! I can’t believe it, and neither can my girlfriend! I don’t just not smoke, I have no urge to smoke, no cravings or nagging thoughts, no thoughts of perhaps I could just smoke a pipe or eat it…cannabis is just not part of me or my life any more. My skin has cleared up, my eyes are whiter and clearer. I don’t have any tickly coughs. My thoughts are clearer. I sleep better. I just became a Non Smoker after one simple session! Job done. End of.” (Gary, Penarth)
“I would have no hesitation in recommending Gareth to any prospective client with health problems. I recently had a treatment with him in the Penarth practice and he achieved an excellent result. He has a calm, empathetic manner and explained the details of the treatment carefully and fully in advance of the treatment. His hypnotherapy was highly professional and quietly but powerfully efficient. He provided an excellent relaxation CD to take home after the treatment and provided follow through support with a courtesy ‘phone call to see how I was getting on. Gareth goes the extra mile with his clients and is a most helpful and engaged practitioner.” (Chrissie, Penarth)
“I have been enjoying many physical and psychological benefits of Clinical Hypnotherapy with Gareth for several weeks now. His positive attitude and honest approach creates a great rapport resulting in trust, essential for a very relaxing experience. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending him!” (Alan, Cardiff)
“I have been to see Gareth for Hypnotherapy and have found him professional and relaxing. His description of the different areas of the brain showing different emotions was very enlightening. I’ve enjoyed the sessions very much!” (Angela, Penarth)
“I have been going to Enfys for a couple of years for both Hypnothera
“It’s difficult for an actor to confess that performance anxiety has become an issue. It can creep up in a career no matter the experience and can often reflect a general anxiety and ultimately a lack of trust in oneself. Enfys not only provided a warm and welcoming environment for me to open up about my issue, she also listened without judgement or intrusive analysis into the whys and wherefores that brought me to that point. She took me, there and then, as I was, allowing me to tell my version of events in my own words and at my own pace. And then the magic happened! With gentleness, kindness and an incredible toolkit for helping me reset my thought processes, she reprogrammed, over a number of sessions, the most important relationship anyone can have: the one we have with ourselves. It sounded at the time, too simple to be true but it works and I can say that after a lifetime of unacknowledged bubbling anxiety, that was with me as a young child in infants school, I am now so much happier, calmer and more productive! Enfys helped me get out of my own way and I wholeheartedly thank her for that amazing gift.” (Jane, UK Actress)
“Over the last few weeks I have gone from having zero confidence or belief in myself to being a completely happy, confident individual. Since the course began, I have had a promotion, made some amazing new friends and improved family relationships. Enfys helped me to see life in a new light, move on from past experiences and feel ready for a much brighter future. Whoever you are, whatever your reasons for considering it, I can’t recommend this highly enough ! Thank you so much.” (Trish, Penarth)
“Having come to the end of my hypnotherapy course with you, I really just wanted to thank you for the most enlightening and wonderful experience. A couple of months ago I came to you stressed, sleep deprived, anxious and emotional about everything. I am now relaxed, getting my REM sleep! And able to cope with whatever is put in my way! I have a totally different outlook on life and the CD I listen to at night is wonderful at relaxing me and putting me In a positive frame of mind. (It also puts my 9 year old to sleep in minutes!!) Thank you so much and I am looking forward to my top up with you every month.” (Phillippa, Penarth)
“I have been visiting ‘Enfys Studio Health Centre’ for over a year now and have, for the last few months, been having Clinical Hypnotherapy via The Penarth Practice (now known as Alchemy Hypnotherapy). At first, I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but I can honestly say ‘hand on heart’, that I am now much more calm, focused, relaxed and much happier and positive all round, which has to be the best thing ever! By listening to the CD and visiting the Practice, I feel so much more in control of my life and my own well-being. I now have, on average, 8 hours of wonderful, uninterrupted sleep and wake up feeling amazingly refreshed, ready to face the day. My visits to the practice have to be a real highlight of my week. When I go; I genuinely ‘drift off to another world’ almost and cannot believe how much better, lighter and brighter I feel. I cannot recommend it highly enough, for whatever your issue might be. It really works. I am so grateful to Enfys for allowing me to have a much happier, healthy life. Truly amazing! I’ve lost a total of 1 stone and 13lbs without even thinking about it and I’ve actually just entered the St. David’s Day 10K, which I completely put down to the hypnotherapy! I never thought I’d be contemplating such a thing. Can you believe it!” (Jean, Cardiff)
“I threw myself into clinical hypnotherapy not really knowing what it would entail but hoping it would help. It’s far exceeded my expectations and has accelerated me through the process of adjusting to a big life-change, to a point I didn’t know I could reach.” (May, Penarth)
“2014 was a very difficult year for me; losing two big parts of my life changed me forever. How I dealt with the grief was the way I always have, burying my feelings and carry on as normal. It was towards the end of that year when a simple incident opened the flood gates and my anxiety began. I’ve never felt so powerless in my life, to the point I couldn’t leave the house; I couldn’t rationalise what was happening and it was terrifying. My career as a scientist and lecturer requires me to understand disease processes inside out, however my anxiety was something that I couldn’t begin to quantify. It was then a friend suggested visiting Enfys for a course of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Solution Focused Psychotherapy sessions, something that I was open to doing but a concept I couldn’t wrap my head around. Enfys was a breath of fresh air, she really understood my situation, our sessions together have taught me to manage my anxiety, given me goals to work to and basically got my life back in order; all I can simply say is thank you Enfys!” (Dr. Kate, Cardiff, Lecturer)
“Enfys, I have to let you know how amazing you are! I can write a book on how much you have helped through your Clinical Hypnotherapy. Overall, the Hypnotherapy has enabled me to find me as a person and rediscovered how to enjoy life! Thank you so much!” (Amy, Llandough)
“I have found Hypnotherapy with Enfys to be fantastic. It has really helped me to feel much more grounded, calmer and relaxed. I am able to deal with life in a much calmer way because of Hypnotherapy. I would certainly recommend it to any one! Enfys has also helped me to focus attention on areas of my life that need improving. This has been beneficial in all aspects of my life. I have regained control of my thoughts and actions because of Hypnotherapy with her. Under hypnosis, I have been put in a deep state of relaxation…this has given my mind and body a chance to recuperate, repair and heal itself by experiencing the relaxation that it desperately needs. I feel because of deep relaxation I am more creative, better at problem solving, and less irritable.” (Lucy, Barry)
“Earlier this year I was suffering from anxiety attacks, depression and low self esteem. A friend recommended me to Enfys. Enfys (Welsh for “rainbow”) lives up to her name, she is a warm friendly, vibrant lady, who you instinctively know you can trust. I felt myself able to tell her my darkest fears, and troubles, the ones that you find stupid, and are too afraid to tell any one. It felt as though there was a light slowly drawing them out of their hiding place, and the gap they left was filled with the vibrancy of a rainbow. Every time I went back to see her, my smile was wider, confidence blooming, I felt much happier than I had in years, and I was cutting down on the anti depressants to the point that I no longer take any medication. I also began to initiate a social life. I was also having trouble sleeping at night, or I was waking up in the early hours of the morning and I was unable to get back to sleep. We talked about why this was happening, and with the help of her Relaxation Solutions CD, my sleep patterns slowly changed, and I was waking revived in the morning. I still use the CD when I have had a stressful day. Enfys runs a very professional business, she is able to explain what to expect from each session, and delivers it well. Her environment is warm and calming, perfect for relaxing. I was sad when our sessions came to an end, because I had benefited so much from them, but Enfys has given me the tools and understanding to carry on alone. Thank you Enfys for sorting this mess out for me!” (Jane, Cogan)
“Following a few difficult years in work – my post was deleted (twice!), and lack of support from line management in relation to dealing with issues and personal development, my confidence and self esteem had been hit and I only really acknowledged it when a comment was made by a friend. Enfys has helped me understand myself better and given me the tools to make the changes I needed to. My sleep has also improved greatly listening to her relaxation CD nightly to reinforce positive messages and thought patterns. I have recently started a new job and have done so in a more positive frame of mind. Thank you Enfys!” (Alison, Penarth)
“I was suffering with problems getting to sleep for a little over 2 years and gradually I became less able to cope with my job and family duties, which in turn added to my lack of ability sleep. I found myself turning to sleeping pills to help, but in hindsight I can see now how they were adding to my anxieties. Doing the course of clinical hypnotherapy with Enfys has completely turned my life around. I’m now sleeping properly and am feeling much more positive about everything and finally enjoying life again, and definitely, no more sleeping pills. It takes time and commitment, but for anyone suffering from anxiety I can’t recommend it enough. She is truly inspirational. Thanks again Enfys x” (Lisette, Cardiff)
“I found Hypnotherapy helped me deal with life’s stresses in a more positive and rational way. The theory behind Hypnotherapy is very interesting, and clarified for me why I sometimes reacted in a negative way to various stressors. I would highly recommend Enfys as a Hypnotherapist, I found her very approachable and accepting of me as an individual.” (Roz, Dinas Powys, Samaritan and Mental Health Nurse)
“Due to a series of big changes in circumstance, splitting up from my long term partner, moving to a new place without knowing anyone, family health troubles, change in job, etc, I was struggling to cope. I’d become depressed and anxious. I was having trouble sleeping and generally stopped feeling like the happy person that I’d always been. Enfys’ Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions and nurturing approach have been an absolute lifeline. I feel much calmer now, more able to handle change and what life sometimes throws at us. I’m sleeping better and feel much more energised and positive about the future. I can’t recommend this treatment (or Enfys) highly enough. Don’t think about it, do it!” (Elaine, Barry)
“Clinical Hypnotherapy has that has given me the tools to equip me to be able to live a less stressful and more enjoyable life. The process has been a journey that has taken me to a place that I am happy to be and can see things improving from here. The theory behind the therapy is very interesting and makes complete sense – it does not require changing yourself but changing your perspective to be happy and comfortable with yourself. I would recommend Clinical Hypnotherapy, and in particular my therapist Enfys has been brilliant, she is very understanding and encouraging.” (Hayley, Sully)
“I started hypnotherapy at the Penarth Practice (now known as Alchemy Hypnotherapy) with Enfys during a particularly stressful time in my life. Enfys was aware of this and suggested hypnotherapy may help. I wouldn’t say I was skeptical, but put it this way, my expectations were not that high. Well you live and learn as they say. It has been so beneficial to me. During the period covering my sessions, my Mum passed away and although this was upsetting, I cannot stress enough how having the “tools” provided by the process helped me. I have learnt that whereas I cannot control everything that happens to me, I do have control in how I cope. I am happy in my skin. My outlook has changed. I am calmer when facing challenges. I feel much more my ‘old’ self. I feel in control. People close to me have commented how I am ‘lucky to always be able to cope’. My default setting is no longer to panic when something stressful happens. I could go on! Hypnotherapy just makes sense.” (Sara, Penarth)
“I was a little skeptical about hypnotherapy for sleeplessness and anxiety. In fact I thought at best it would be an hour a week to myself and relax. I couldn’t have been more wrong! The whole process of understanding how the brain works, the hypnotherapy sessions and the journey brought about massive changes in my thought processes. I now sleep and wake refreshed, mind clear and feeling positive. In my daily life, I feel positive, able to cope and love the life I have; I can’t recommend this Clinical Hypnotherapy and Solution Focused Psychotherapy any more highly. You need to be committed to putting work in yourself but Enfys’ positivity and enthusiasm is all the motivation you need. A wonderful experience and the effects last.” (Susan, Penarth, Nurse Manager)
“I have always had issues, mainly with myself and my confidence. It was also ‘on the rocks’ with my workaholic husband. And in general I felt really low, I was on antidepressants and just accepted the fact that these chemical induced substitutes were my life forever. I’d never ever thought in a millions years I would come off them. They made me feel numb. I’d have my really bad days where I would just look at myself in the mirror and cry. Why would I cry? I hated my appearance, the wrinkles, the rolls on my tummy, just the ugliness. Every day was a struggle with my husband I resented him for anything I could blame him for and held many grudges. I never felt good enough for anything or anyone. I was recommended Enfys by a friend. I had never heard of Clinical Hypnotherapy before. Enfys is a delightful character and made me feel so relaxed and welcomed. We spoke about my depression and we had a great connection, such a warm character. I thought to myself…. I need to fix me. After my first session with Enfys I felt so much better and things made sense. I was given a CD at my first session, which I still listen to religiously. Taking on this course really is a life changer for me, I feel so positive and happy. I stopped taking my ‘happy pills’ at week 6! Things are great with the husband and without Enfys I honestly don’t know what would of been our fate. I cannot thank her enough for that. Life definitely is not bad, life is fantastic. I love love LOVE that this focuses on the good things in life and does not delve and re live negative events. I love how you get to know your mind and how the brain functions. What I like most is how calm I feel, I love how I approach a negative situation now, and how I react. I have learnt so much. I have gained so much. I highly recommend taking on this course of treatments if you are suffering with depression or get anxious. I never thought I could find happiness, comfort, content, bliss. Third best thing I have ever done! 1st and 2nd being the birth of my beautiful boy and marring the love of my life.” (Harriet, Caerphilly)
“I would recommend Enfys and her techniques – this is more than hypnotherapy. Enfys builds confidence and positivity, while reducing stress and anxiety. Enfys introduced me to the idea of having a stress bucket in your brain and the importance of emptying that bucket on a daily basis through listening to her CD and then her weekly one-on-one sessions made sense of it all. I was ready to leave the process after 9 weeks , and have dealt with issues that would have become problematic in the past, in an intellectual way and my mood these days is more on an even keel. My partner and my work colleagues have commented on how different they think I am and that makes it all worthwhile as my aim was to be more positive and not dwell on past events or worry about the future.” (Eleanor, Barry)
“The Clinical Hypnotherapy was enjoyable and the benefit I achieved from the sessions was to focus my mind on my relationship with food. The outcomes were that I focused my mind on exercise, looking at what I was eating and when I was eating. It changed my ‘mind set’ in this respect. I feel better and more confident, there have been changes both physically and mentally, of which I am appreciative. The experience with Enfys was well structured, easy to understand, a good discipline and overall most enjoyable. Her delivery of the sessions was concise and attainable. My body has changed shape and the weight is a work in progress. I am exercising and my food intake is smaller, but ‘the keeping up of this new regime’ is easy, to make it all a ‘way of life’. Thank you, Enfys, so much, it has helped me enormously.” (Laura, Penarth)
“Before I met Enfys I was in a very bad place suffering with depression and anxiety and really couldn’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. At our initial meet she had a wonderful aura and her positive attitude to getting me on the road to recovery was incredibly powerful. When she started talking me through the clinical hypnotherapy process, I have to be honest, I was a little unsure of how it would work and achieve the intended outcome of getting me better. However, within 2-3 sessions I was starting to understand it better and by 4/5 sessions I was feeling significantly better and everyone could see a great improvement in me. As a result of Enfys work and my input and commitment to the recovery process I feel much more secure, confident and at ease to enjoy life again. I would recommend clinical hypnotherapy to anyone. It is truly wonderful! I feel I have met someone who has not just helped me get my health back on track but someone who will be a friend for life!” (Sian, Penarth)
Gareth and Enfys’ unique partnership at Alchemy Hypnotherapy also offers ‘Parallel Hypnotherapy’ to clients who benefit from two or more individuals undergoing therapy at the same time. Gareth and Enfys work separately and confidentially, using the same technique, with couples, family members or groups to find solutions to move forward positively ‘together’.
“My partner and I started the course, and we both quickly saw big results. After just a few sessions, I felt much calmer and more relaxed, and with each passing week noticed more rational and positive thinking. After several years of feeling constantly stressed, anxious and low, thinking I had little to look forward to or always concentrating on the negative, I feel like me again. In my partner, I saw the biggest change. After nearly a decade of Chronic Insomnia where a few broken hours was all he ever expected, he very quickly began sleeping 8, 9 hours straight through. He is a lot less anxious now and feels (and looks) like he’s had a second lease of life. Doing the course together hasn’t just been practical but also helpful to see the other healing at the same time. We have swapped exhaustion for energy and bickering for laughter; we support each other and use the principles of the course. We would both highly recommend it.” (Elizabeth, a GP from Cardiff)
“Dear Gareth and Enfys, I write with this testimonial after Todd and I came to see you for Parallel Hypnotherapy Sessions these last few weeks. As you know, I lost my husband and Todd lost his father a few years ago and we were both stuck in a cycle of grief that was starting to impact on our ability to enjoy the present. I’m delighted to say that since Todd saw Gareth and I saw Enfys, we both now sleep so much better. In particular, Todd doesn’t get nightmares anymore and his panic attacks have nearly stopped! We both think positively about everything now and we have learned fast-acting and effective ways to calm ourselves down – we are so much more relaxed in stressful situations! Thanks to you and the way you so clearly and effectively explained how the brain works, and how it can go astray in such situations, we have learnt that the key to a happy, healthy life is that Magic Three Formula of Positive Thoughts, Positive Actions and Positive Interactions and how producing them daily is so good for you! Thanks to your marvellous support and by playing the CDs every night, we can now empty our stress buckets much more efficiently and then start each new day afresh and bursting with positivity! We are clearly and noticeably both happy as well and when we’re not, we think of you and Baloo and we sing ‘The Bear Necessities’ until we are – it never fails. Thank you again!” (Anne and Todd)
“As a healthcare professional who works in a stressful environment at times I was experiencing difficulties coming home and switching off. The relaxation sessions helped me to refocus and clear my mind of any negative thoughts. Gareth is professional and informative in his approach to the treatment and practice.” (Elaine, Cardiff)
“I can highly recommend Gareth’s skills as a Hypnotherapy Practitioner. My time with him has helped me to feel more relaxed and focused…enjoyable too! I am seeing things in my life differently and dealing with them in a much more relaxed and calm way!” (Jay, Penarth)

The Penarth Practice
6, Rowan Close
Vale of Glamorgan
CF64 5BU
Wales, United Kingdom
Mon – Thu: 8:45am-7:15pm (UK)
Fri: 8:45am-4:30pm (UK)
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
UK Bank Holidays: Closed
Online Clinic, Group Sessions, Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Lectures, Workshops, Webinars & Events: By arrangement